Category: Articles

Chronic Kidney Disease, a Silent Killer..

BEWARE! CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE , A SILENT KILLER ON THE LOOSE About ten percent of the adult population worldwide have some form of kidney disease. Every year millions of people worldwide die prematurely because of the complications related to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), mainly due to cardiovascular diseases. Worldwide, CKD is an important public health […]

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

In the beginning, kidney failure may be asymptomatic (not producing any symptoms). As kidney function decreases, the symptoms are related to the inability to regulate water and electrolyte balances, to clear waste products from the body, and to promote red blood cell production. Lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath, and generalized swelling may occur. Unrecognized or […]

Chronic kidney disease prevalent among Pinoys

In 2003, the Department of Health reported that the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) among adult Filipinos was 2.6 percent (or 2.6 out of 100 adult Filipinos). Recent research suggests that CKD prevalence has worsened, affecting one in 10 adult Filipinos. In 2012, the National Kidney and Transplant Institute cited kidney failure as the […]

5 Things That Happen if You Quit Sugar for Life

First, let’s set the record straight by saying that sugar in and of itself isn’t evil, per se. It occurs naturally in plenty of foods, including fruits and milk. With that being said, adding excess sugar to your dietary intake simply isn’t necessary. In fact, you’ll notice numerous positive things happen when you decide to […]

Fight vs. Kidney disease in Davao continues

Fighting and preventing kidney disease has been a continuous battle cry of advocates from the government sector and medical practitioners. Kidney specialist consultant Dr. Franklin Guillano of Davao City raised the need to keep on with the advocacy for the public to fully understand about renal health care, and consequently avoid the debilitating disease. “The […]