About Buah Merah, by Dr. Budi.

“In Jayapura I have experienced the results of buah merah, namely to cure brain cancer, baby’s lung spots, breast cancer, womb cancer, womb tumor, eye irritation, blindness, heart disease, lung disease and weakness. After a cancer patient had consumed the buah merah, his condition was laboratory tested, and the results were amazing. Actually prior to consuming the buah merah, the patient was in a lot of pain and now the cancer patient feels fresh and fit “, Drs. Budi MSc (Balinese) said.

During his interview with a national TV station – Metro Tv, Drs. Budi MSc, talked about a patient that had HIV/AIDS. Her name was Agustina (22) who had experienced a tremendous health change. Before she took thebuah merah, her weight was 27 kg (59.5 lbs), due to the HIV/AIDS virus, but after she consumed the buah merah her weight had increased to 42 kg (92.5 lbs.).

Agustina who was an HIV/AIDS patient was brought in by a public health development agency at Papua ( West New Guinea) to Drs. Budi MSc. They requested Doctor Budi to give Agustina the buah merah extract for treatment. After she had consumed the buah merah just a few times, she felt much better. Heavy diarrhea symptoms and ulceration, which is usually present with HIV/AIDS patients, came to a non existence. She felt fresh and could perform her daily activities again just like a healthy person.

Buah Merah functions as an anti-retrovirus medicine, which is required for HIV/AIDS patients. It binds protein and increases the body’s resistance. This great achievement was also in line with the results of the laboratory tests. After the treatment Agustina’s blood’s CD-4 reached a figure 400 and the CD-8 showed negative. CD-4 of positive AIDS patients is maximum 200 and CD-8 is positive.

Buah Merah has a good effect on human health in general. The experts analyzed the active substances in Buah Merah; They determined that they are high in potential antioxidants, proven to support the body’s natural defenses in illness:

Buah Merah consists of some high nutrient substances. They are beta-carotene, tocopherol, oleat acid, linoleat acid, linolenat acid, and dekanoat acid. They are active medicine compounds. The Beta-Carotene functions to slow down artery spots blockage. As a result, blood can flow to the heart and brain smoothly. They can interact with protein doubling the antibody output. This can increase the number of natural cell killers and increasing T helpers and lymphocyte activities. Consumption of Beta-Carotene 30 – 60mg/day for 2 months caused body produced diseases to free natural cells. Increasing such natural cells may minimize cancer cells production because it can neutralize carcinogens compound free radicals, which is known as cancer sources.

Another function of buah merah is as an anti-carcinogen, which is even better with the presence of tocopherol (Vitamin E). This compound functions to increase the body immune system – HIV/ AIDS target. Buah Merah which consists of high doses of Omega 3 and Omega 9 is a non saturated fatty acid, easily digested and absorbed and as a result the metabolism can run smoothly. A smooth metabolism process will increase the recovery process, because the body obtains a protein supply to increase the body resistance power.
Buah merah contains a tocopherol amount up to 11.000 ppm to prevent free radical damage. High contents of vitamin E – otherwise known by the name of tocopherol, is a defense against degenerative diseases attacks like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cancer.

Buah Merah’s fatty acid is also an antibiotic and antivirus. They function to slow down and kill virus lipids membranes. In addition, the virus is not given the opportunity to develop new structures, and as a result regeneration can not be performed. Due to its competence, it actively prevents and kill HIV/AIDS viruses, including hepatitis virus which may damage liver cells. In addition, it is also able to slow down and kill active tumor cells.

Lung Cancer

Andi, a 56 year old man, had lung cancer. Within the last two years he had tried many traditional remedies without any results, Doctors had given up on him, because in general lung cancer patients have a very small survival rate. Then, the red fruit oil helped him to recover himself.

He had coughed for many years, but he never paid to much attention to it until his breast started to hurt during coughing. His breast became so painful, that he decided to see a doctor and was shocked when he heard the news that he had an advanced degree of cancer in the lungs, which in most cases is irreversible. The doctor knew it, because of a very high alfa-fitoprotein and the tumor was large.

The weak body

Lung cancer is on of the biggest cancer killer in the Asia, because Asian people are among the heaviest smokers in the world. In Asia 90% of cancer patients have lung cancer.
Andi’s body was ver weak and the doctor suggested to undergoe chemotherapy. For some unknown reason he did not follow the doctors instructions and his family tried o use some traditional herbal treatments.

The alternative remedy

He tried many alternative remedies, such as a traditional remedy. Finally, he consumed the red fruit oil. He consumed 8 bottles of the red fruit oil which contain of 120 ml each.
Andi looked fresher and no longer pale. He has an appetite now, gained weight. His stamina was increased after consuming the red fruit oil.