Buah Merah – The highest concentration of Beta-cryptoxanthin

What is Cryptoxanthin?

Cryptoxanthin, also known as beta-cryptoxanthin, is a member of the carotenoid family, a group of flavonoids that provide color and flavor to fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids are proven antioxidants, and their role in protecting the body from free-radical damage has been well established. Although some carotenoids, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and lycopene, have been the subject of exhaustive research, scientists are just beginning to explore the possible benefits provided by cryptoxanthin.

Like alpha- and beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin  is a powerful antioxidant that can be converted to active retinol, or vitamin A, in the body. Vitamin A is crucial to the maintenance of healthy vision, reproduction, and body tissues. Recent studies have shown that cryptoxanthin also plays an important role in preventing many forms of cancer.

A study published in the January 2004 issue of Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention reported that people with diets high in cryptoxanthin were 30 percent less likely to develop lung cancer. A lack of cryptoxanthin in the diet appears to leave the body vulnerable to other types of cancer as well. Preliminary studies also suggest that women with cervical cancer and patients with colon cancer have low levels of cryptoxanthin. Researchers theorize that cryptoxanthin protects against cancer both by neutralizing free radicals and by stimulating the RB gene, a gene that prevents cells from becoming cancerous.

Cryptoxanthin may protect against other diseases associated with aging, including heart disease, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and arthritis. Like other carotenoids, cryptoxanthin almost certainly plays a key role in keeping the eyes healthy and preventing against age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Research also indicates that carotenoids may play a role in the prevention of many other serious health conditions, including Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), asthma, chronic yeast infection, and infertility.

Oranges, papaya, peaches, and tangerines all contain a lot of cryptoxanthin. Other sources include red bell peppers, cilantro, corn, and watermelon. People that regularly smoke or drink, have a low intake of fruits and vegetables, or who follow a low-fat diet may want to consider a carotenoid supplement. Cryptoxanthin is a fat-soluble substance, and needs to be taken with fat to be properly absorbed by the body. Consequently, certain conditions that reduce the body’s ability to absorb fat, such as pancreatic enzyme deficiency, Crohn’s disease, celiac sprue, cystic fibrosis, surgical removal of part or all of the stomach, gall bladder disease, and liver disease, may lead to a carotenoid deficiency. If you have any of these conditions, you may also want to consider taking a carotenoid supplement.

Cryptoxanthin is available in tablet, capsule, and softgel combination carotenoid supplements, which are available at most drugstores and health food stores. Taking cryptoxanthin along with beta-carotene is a good idea, as beta-carotene increases its absorption. Many of these carotenoid supplements are marketed as supplements that promote healthy vision or normal sleep patterns. Cryptoxanthin is also included in many of the new “green drinks” on the market, which are high in other carotenoids as well.

In 1996 a major study, known as the Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET), showed that smokers who took beta-carotene supplements had higher rates of lung cancer. Because of this finding, the National Academy of Sciences cautions against taking high doses of carotenoid supplements, except as a method for preventing vitamin A deficiency. Smokers and anyone with lung disease should probably avoid carotenoid supplements altogether.

The phytochemical beta-cryptoxanthin can be found in many vegetables and fruits, mainly in papaya, mango, peaches, oranges, tangerines, bell peppers, corn and watermelon. Beta-cryptoxanthin is also found in some yellow coloured animal products such as egg yolk and butter.

Health Benefits of Beta-Cryptoxanthin

Beta-cryptoxanthin is a strong antioxidant and prevents that free radicals can damage your cells and DNA.

Beta-cryptoxanthin seems to reduce the risk of lung cancer and colon cancer. Studies have demonstrated that beta-cryptoxanthin can reduce the risk of lung cancer by more than 30 per cent. Researchers believe that the anti-cancer effect is linked to the antioxidant effect of beta-cryptoxanthin, but also to a specific expression of a gene that protects cells from becoming cancerous.

Other studies showed that beta-cryptoxanthin reduces risk for rheumatoid arthritis by 41 per cent.

Beta-cryptoxanthin is a source of vitamin A, but about 2 times less strong than beta-carotene.

Facts about Beta-Cryptoxanthin

Cooking of fruit and vegetables do not break down much the beta-cryptoxanthin. In order to absorb the beta-cryptoxanthin is essential that the diet contains fat, because beta-cryptoxanthin is fat-soluble substances.

Foods Richest in Beta Cryptoxanthin

Food: 1 cup unless noted / µg’s

  • Pumpkin, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt = 3553
  • Papayas, raw – 1 fruit = 1791
  • Tangerines, (mandarin oranges), canned, light syrup pack =1250
  • Papayas, raw per cup = 825
  • Peppers, sweet, red, raw = 730
  • Orange juice, frozen concentrate, unsweetened, undiluted – 6 fluid ounce can = 684
  • Tangerine juice, canned, sweetened = 533
  •  Orange juice, raw = 419
  •  Carrots, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt = 291
  •  Plums, canned, purple, juice pack, solids and liquids = 257
  • Watermelon, raw – 1 wedge =223
  • Oranges, raw, all commercial varieties = 209
  • Corn, sweet, yellow, frozen, kernels cut off cob, boiled = 200
  • Peaches, canned, juice pack, solids and liquids = 193
  • Chili con carne with beans, canned entree = 189
  • Peaches, dried, sulfured, uncooked – 3 halves = 173
  • Oranges, raw, all commercial varieties – one = 152
  • Orange juice, raw – from one orange =152
  • Peaches, frozen, sliced, sweetened = 145
  •  Fruit cocktail, canned = 137
  • Nectarines, raw – 1 fruit =133
  • Spices, paprika – 1 teaspoon = 130
  • Corn, sweet, yellow, cooked, boiled, 1 ear = 124
  • Watermelon, raw = 119
  • Peaches, raw = 114
  • Plums, dried (prunes), stewed, without added sugar = 102
  • Spices, chili powder – 1 teaspoon = 91
  • Dandelion greens, cooked, boiled, drained = 86
  • Cucumber, with peel, raw, 1 large = 78
  • Peaches, canned, juice pack, solids, liquids, 1 half = 76
  • Orange juice, chilled, includes from concentrate = 67
  • Peaches, raw – one fruit = 66
  • Cucumber, peeled, raw – one large = 50
  • Collards, frozen, chopped, cooked = 48
  • Pickle relish, sweet, 1 Tablespoon = 44
  • Plums, dried (prunes), uncooked – 5 prunes = 39
  • Collards, cooked = 38
  • Pineapple and orange juice drink, canned = 38
  • Apricots, raw – one fruit = 36
  • Soup, chunky chicken noodle, canned, ready-to-serve = 34
  • Beans, snap, green, canned = 32
  • Lemon juice, canned or bottled = 32
  • Pickles, cucumber, dill or kosher dill, one = 29
  • Cucumber, with peel, raw = 27
  • Chicken pot pie, frozen entree, prepared, small pie = 26
  • Apricots, canned, juice pack = 24
  • Plums, raw – one fruit = 23
  • Peppers, hot chili, green, raw, one pepper = 23
  • Applesauce, canned, unsweetened =22
  • Mangos, raw – one fruit = 21


Buah Merah has Highest concentration of Beta-cryptoxanthin

Buah Merah means red (merah) fruit (buah) which is grown in Papua island in Indonesia and surrounding areas only. It looks a giant corn and/or carrot.

Buah Merah is chosen as most nutritious species among tens of Pandanus species. The trees are naturally grown everywhere in Wamena valley and other places in Papua island. Recently, the habitants started to plant the trees at surroundings of their houses (Honai), because Buah Merah makes money.

Buah Merah tree has many side-roots coming from the trunk. It looks like a octupus.
Pandanus is named after octupus

The biggest Buah Merah reaches more than 100 cm in length and 10kg in weight. The tree becomes more than 10ml tall.

It is said that this strain of Buah Merah is harvested twice a year.

Meats with seeds are placed on the surface. They are separated from the medulla after cooking and squeezed with hands to get oily source which is stored for daily use.

The habitants in Wamena know naturally ow Buah Merah is nutritious and helpful for their health.

Buah Merah extract from fruits are rich in oils, carotenoids and vitamin E.

Buah Merah Has Become Popular As A New Miracle Medicine

Buah Merah is found at the eastern portion of the Indonesian Islands, Papua, (east of Borneo island and Bali island). Buah Merah, Latin name – Pandanus Conoideus Lam – is only grown on that island and is proven able to battle many diseases such as breast cancer, cervical & ovarian cancer, lung cancer, lymphomas cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, arthritis, stroke, osteoporosis, hypertension, acid reflux, hair problems, eye, immune system problems, high cholesterol, infertility and HIV/AIDS.
“In Jayapura I had experienced advantageous of buah merah, namely to cure brain cancer, baby’s lungs spots, breast cancer, womb cancer, womb tumor, eye irritation, blind, hearth disease, lungs disease, weakness, and powerless. After the cancer patient consumed buah merah, then had laboratory checked, and the result was amazing. Actually prior to consume buah merah, the patient was very painful. Now the cancer patient is fresh and fit “, Drs. I Made Budi MSc (Balinese) said.

During his interviewed with a national TV station – MetroTv, Drs. I Made Budi MSc, told a patient of HIV/AIDS named Agustina (22) experienced health change. Before she consumed buah merah her weight was 27 kg due to HIV/AIDS virus, but after she consumed buah merah her weight increased into 42 kg.

In the beginning, Agustina who was HIV/AIDS patient was brought by public health development agency at Papua to Drs. I Made Budi MSc. They requested Doctor Budi to give Agustina buah merah. After a few times Agustina consumed buah merah, she felt better. Heavy diarrhea symptoms and ulceration which went to HIV/AIDS patient came in to non existence. She felt fresh and can perform her daily activities normally as a healthy person.

Buah Merah functioned as anti-retrovirus medicine which is required by HIV/AIDS patient. It binds protein and increase body’s resistance. This great achievement was also in line with result of laboratory checked up. Agustina’s blood CD-4 reached figure 400 and CD-8 showed negative. CD-4 of positive AIDS patient maximum 200; CD-8, positive.

Buah Merah has a good effect on human health.

The experts analyzed and found out the active substances in Buah Merah are high in potential antioxidants, proven to support the body’s natural defenses in illness:

Active compound Content
 Total Carotene  12.000 ppm
 Total Tocopherol  11.000 ppm
 Beta-Carotene  700 ppm
 Alfa Tocopherol  500 ppm
 Oleic Acid  58 %
 Linoleic Acid  8.8 %
 Linolenic Acid  7.8 %
 Decanoic Acid  2.0 %

Buah Merah consists of high nutrient substances. They are beta-carotene, tocopherol, oleat acid, linoleat acid, linolenat acid, and dekanoat acid. They are active medicine compounds. Beta-Carotene functions to slow down artery spots blockage. As a result, blood can flow to hearth and brain smoothly. They can interact with protein doubling antibody output. This can increase the number of natural cell killer and increasing T helpers and lymphocyte activities. Consumption of Beta-Carotene 30 – 60mg/day for 2 months caused body produced diseases free natural cells. Increasing such natural cells may minimize cancer cells production because it can neutralize carcinogens compound free radical which is known as cancer source.

Another function of buah merah is as anti-carcinogens which is more perfect with the presence of tocopherol. This compound functions to increase body immune system – HIV/ AIDS target. Buah Merah which consists of high dozes of Omega 3 and Omega 9 is non saturated fat acid, easily digested and absorbed as a result metabolism can run smoothly. Smooth metabolism process will increase recovery process. Because body obtained protein supply to increase body resistance power.

Buah merah contains a tocopherol amount up to 11.000 ppm to prevent free radical damage. High content of vitamin E – otherwise known by the name of tocopherol, is a defense against degenerative diseases attack like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cancer.

Buah Merah’s fatty acid is also antibiotic and antivirus. They function to slow down and kill virus lipids membranes. In addition, the virus is not given the opportunity to develop new structures, and as a result regeneration can not be performed. Due to its competence, it actively prevent and kill HIV/AIDS viruses, including hepatitis virus which may damage liver cells. In addition, it also able to slow down and kill active tumor cells.