How to Lower Your Blood Pressure in Five Minutes Without Medications

High blood pressure is a disease of the modern age and it is associated with increased stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Everyone sometimes eventually found himself in a situation when his blood pressure is increased. Under the influence of stress or excessive physical activity, the muscles are straining and the blood vessels cramping, thus creating pressure. Do you know how to deal with this situation and effectively regulate the blood pressure? The muscles need to relax as soon as this unpleasant activity occurs, but the question is how to do it.

Lu Huns, a doctor of the football club “Spartak” revealed the secret of Chinese medicine with which the pressure can be regulated for only five minutes without drugs. Chinese medicine believes that the most important thing is proper blood flow to the muscles and tissues.

If there is stagnation of the blood somewhere in the body, then at that point begins the development of this disease, and vice versa, by ensuring adequate blood flow, the body will be able to cure the disease rapidly. That’s why massaging the key spots helps recovering.

In this case, we are talking about 2 spots.

Spot 1

This is not even a spot, but it’s a line. It passes behind the ear lobe to the middle of the clavicle. This line does not need any pressure or massage, but very slowly pamper it with almost imperceptible movement of the hand from top to bottom, barely touching the tips of his fingers. Repeat 10 times on one side then to the other, the same 10 times.

Spot 2

This spot is on the side of the face at the level of the ear lobe, half a centimeter from the ear in the direction of the nose. This spot should be massaged with the fingertips for about 1 minute on both sides of the face. Push hard, but not to ache. It does not matter clockwise or not, what is important is that you have a feeling of pressure on a specific point.

After this simple treatment blood pressure should come back to normal.