Red Fruit oil will surely save many lives in Ghana


A brother of mine was having extra marital affairs with a woman who was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS positive.

That same woman passed away about 3 1/2 years ago. Now, this brother and his 2 wives and children frequently get sick and all that comes to their mind is that they are also HIV Positive.

This is because they could see all the symptoms of HIV in their body.

This brother, together with his 2nd wife and 1 child started taking the red fruit oil expecting to be healed from that illness.

Last Friday I went to the village where they live and to my surprise, the woman said and I quote: “The medicine you bought for us is very good. At first, I used to be tired after a very short walk, but now since I started taking the red fruit oil, I feel fit again.

Before I could not eat but now I can eat very well, she added. My hands used to be heavy and it had no feeling whenever I put it down on a table or on an object for ten minutes or more, but now it is OK. The medicine is very good.

I will ask my husband to let you bring us more; she concluded” Mr Samuel, I was very happy to hear that from the woman. I believe the red fruit oil will surely save many lives in Ghana.