Tag: Buah Merah Remedies


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) that causes AIDS (Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), attacks the human body until the immune system becomes weak or missing. Because of it, people who infected by HIV and have follow-up disease usually can not be recovered because they have no immune system that can counter the disease. This follow-up disease are causes the death of AIDS patients. The immune system of HIV […]

Cancer and Tumor

Cancer is a number one disease in the world’s. Cancer or tumor caused by irregularity of hormone journey that resulted in the growth of meat in the normal tissues. This cancer can strike any part of the body such as the womb, breast, blood, skin even brain. Severe cancer disease can cause death. Role of Buah Merah […]

The amazing effects of buah merah red fruit

Buah Merah (red fruit) Testimonials Since it was being published by a notable Indonesian health Magazine in the beginning of 2004, pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) became very popular in many conversations. Many testimonies appeared to convince the amazing effects of pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah). For example : success stories […]

Nasal Tumor condition improved considerably

Nur Hasyim is an employer of a fertilizer company, PT. Pusri, in Palembang. Nur Hasyim spent two weeks in a hospital, but his condition got worse, and didn’t have an appetite. The body temperature was very high, approximately 38.2 – 39.5 0 C. The only medication they gave him, were pills for flu. He had […]

About Buah Merah, by Dr. Budi.

“In Jayapura I have experienced the results of buah merah, namely to cure brain cancer, baby’s lung spots, breast cancer, womb cancer, womb tumor, eye irritation, blindness, heart disease, lung disease and weakness. After a cancer patient had consumed the buah merah, his condition was laboratory tested, and the results were amazing. Actually prior to […]