Tag: Buah Merah Remedies

Cancer of the Uterus became smaller

“Sometimes I felt very hurt during my menstruation” said Ussy Sulistyawati. She had tried many pills during her menstruation period. She then decided to see a doctor for a check up. The doctor said that it was worm cancer on the small stadium. He became so scared after hearing what the doctor had said and […]

Stroke Survivor

There is a woman who lives in Jayapura ( new Guinea). Her name is Mrs. Krey could not move her left leg and her left arm. She had a stroke in 2002. Mrs. Krey did not give up. She went to several doctors and tried many kinds of medicine and spent lots of money without […]

Red Fruit oil will surely save many lives in Ghana

HIV/Ghana A brother of mine was having extra marital affairs with a woman who was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS positive. That same woman passed away about 3 1/2 years ago. Now, this brother and his 2 wives and children frequently get sick and all that comes to their mind is that they are also HIV Positive. […]

The Man Who Was Paralyzed, Recovered

Abraham Ronsumre was a teacher at Newi Elementary School. Abraham Ronsumre had been paralyzed for many years and the red fruit has helped him to recover. One day he was digging dirt for the foundation of a brick wall, when the bricks and stones slid on top of him. He was buried about 1 meter […]

The Fading of Breast Cancer

Tri Daryanti is a woman who comes from Boyolali, Central Java. Tri Daryanti suffered for a very long time. She has had pain in her breast, her fingers and she also had no feeling in a part of her leg because of a previous accident. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996. Sometimes, her […]