Category: Miracle Fruit

The Buah Merah (Red Fruit) vs Breast Cancer

Hariyanti, a mother of 2 daughters, had a lot of pain in her breasts. Although the pain was sometimes unbearable, she didn’t want to get surgery. Instead she consumed the Red Fruit since 2004 and her condition was getting better and better as a result. In 2003, there was a little spot on her left […]

The Buah Merah (Red Fruit) is Liver Cancer Recoverer

Albertin Salong comes from Makassar. She was very weak as a result of her liver cancer (Cyrosis). On May 2003, 7 litres of yellow fluid had to be taken out from her body. This procedure had to be done every two weeks. After every treatment she felt okay for a few days only. Finally the […]

A Stronger Heart

A man from Pacitan worked with PT Pos Indonesia in Jakarta. His name is Mr. Koesdijono. He had difficulty breathing and was very weak because he had suffered a heart attack. He got the heart attack in 1987 and had another one in 2004 because of not getting enough rest and not enough sleep. When […]

Hepatitis B alternative remedy

In 1997 a man was hospitalized in a very weak state. His name is Wardoyo. He was in the army. His skin was yellow and the face very pale. The man was so hopeless and gave up to live. He couldn’t even react when people were visiting him in the hospital. Sometimes he touched his […]

Cancer of the Uterus became smaller

“Sometimes I felt very hurt during my menstruation” said Ussy Sulistyawati. She had tried many pills during her menstruation period. She then decided to see a doctor for a check up. The doctor said that it was worm cancer on the small stadium. He became so scared after hearing what the doctor had said and […]